Wednesday, May 9, 2012

#purposefulpickup Thread

After my entry about Purposeful Pick-Up became the most successful one-day post I've ever done on Monday I decided to try to get a #purposefulpickup thread going on twitter that night. I was amazed at some of the responses that came in during that time, and wanted to share some of them. Thanks to everyone who joined in!

"Everybody sprint back on D after a turnover" - @NBNBball
"Don't get lazy on the boards and just rely on jumping; get a solid, intentional box out on every shot." - @adubb928
"best be closing out with high hands and getting on the floor" - @CoachEvans12 (my favorite response of the night, coming from one of my former players)
"never getting out played by alumni or anyone else for that fact" - @CoachAndrewWeb
"letting your play and wins do the talking, not the mouths." - @CoachAndrewWeb
"Take charges" - @cammu51

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